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What we spend and how we spend it

Financial statements

The HCPC’s audited annual report and accounts can be found here.

A finance report including management accounts for the most recent completed month is prepared for each Council meeting. Those reports are available within the Council meeting papers.

Expenditure and contracts over £25,000

On an annual basis starting from financial year 2014-15, we will publish a list of items of non-payroll expenditure during the financial year with a total value greater than £25,000 including VAT, and a list of contracts awarded during the financial year with a lifetime value greater than £25,000 including VAT.

Pay and expenses

The annual report and accounts includes an audited remuneration report, which shows the fees paid to Council members and the salary and pension benefits of the Chief Executive and Registrar. From the 2013-14 annual report and accounts onwards, the remuneration report also shows the salaries and pension benefits of the other members of the Executive Management Team.

In addition, on an annual basis starting from the financial year 2014-15, we will publish an analysis of Council members’ and Executive Management Team members’ expenses.

The HCPC’s pay structure can be found here. The pay structure is reviewed each year by the Remuneration Committee.

Page updated on: 25/10/2018