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CPD audit data and reports

We select a random sample of 2.5 per cent of registrants to participate in the CPD audit when a profession renews its registration.

Registrants must renew their HCPC registration every two years. CPD is linked to renewal and each time a profession renews we also ask this random sample of registrants to send us a ‘CPD profile’ for assessment.

The profile provides information about their CPD activities and shows how they have met the CPD standards.

CPD audit statistics

See below statistics for the outcome of the CPD audits for the professions we regulate.

Archive data and reports

Previous reports for the CPD audit process. They describe the outcomes of the audits for the professions we regulate. It includes information about the audit process, statistics showing the outcomes of the audits and describes some trends we identified in the audits.

Page updated on: 09/05/2019