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Trade unions

Trade unions usually provide assistance and services to their members, as well as collective bargaining over pay and conditions at work.

Whilst these organisations are separate from the HCPC, their role may be complementary to ours.

A trade union is a group of employees who join together to promote their collective interest and conditions. Trade unions usually provide assistance and services to their members, as well as collective bargaining over pay and conditions at work. Most trade unions are independent of employers but have close working relationships with them. We work closely with both profession-specific trade unions and larger general trade unions who may cover a range of health and care workers.


GMB is the largest union in the ambulance service and represents over 500,000 members who work in every type of job imaginable across public services and in private companies. Their members work full-time, part-time or while they study.

GMB represents tens of thousands of members across the NHS and Ambulance Services in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.

NHS and ambulance workers across all professions and Agenda for Change pay bands. They represent contracted out and outsourced staff also.

GMBs campaigning work is led by two democratically elected committees, consisting of delegates from each GMB region and nation: The NHS Advisory Group and the National Ambulance Committee.

Visit their website >


UNISON is the largest union in the UK with over 1.3 million members delivering public services. As the largest union in the NHS, they represent members in all 15 of the professions that HCPC regulates particularly for paramedics, occupational therapists and operating department practitioners. They work to influence policy at all levels and have strong partnerships with the Royal College of Occupational Therapists and the College of Operating Department Practitioners. Their Professional Services Unit helps members who have problems with their registration or have had a complaint made against them to their regulatory body.

Visit their website >

Unite The Union

Unite is dedicated to serving the best interests of its members, protecting workers rights and equality and diversity in the workplace by negotiating with employers and government.

As a primarily industry-based union, their structure means they can effectively represent your interests and welfare rights in the workplace, no matter where you work or what sector you're from. THey work to enforce work adequate health and safety at work and ensure equal pay for all.

Visit their website >

Federation of Clinical Scientists (FCS)

The Federation is a certificated trade union which represents the interests of Clinical Scientists. It is unique in that it is run by clinical scientists for clinical scientists. Hosted by the Association for Laboratory Medicine, members are represented by laboratory-based Clinical Scientists who understand your issues because they are their issues too. The Federation is responsible for the collective negotiating and representation of individual members in the NHS at local, Trust and National levels and with the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) and NHS Blood and Transplant.

With full national recognition and negotiating rights, the Federation represents all members, including trainees, of the following specialities: clinical biochemistry, genomics, immunology, microbiology, haematology and other clinical scientists. 

Visit their website >

Association of Educational Psychologists (AEP)

The AEP is the only trade union and professional association in the UK organised exclusively for and by Educational Psychologists. In its dual role as a trade union and professional body, the organisation offers support to members in regard to relations with employers, as well as providing professional and training services.

Visit their website >

British Academy of Audiology (BAA)

BAA is the largest association of professionals in hearing and balance in the UK. Their membership extends internationally and provides services in both the public and private sector. BAA’s mission is to provide a clear and strong voice for professionals in audiology and to promote excellence in clinical knowledge and practice. The BAA aims to help its members to develop in their professional skills, provide a benchmark for quality and professional standards and promote audiology as an autonomous profession. They act as both a professional body and trade union. 

Visit their website >

British and Irish Orthoptic Society (BIOS)

Founded in 1937, the British and Irish Orthoptic Society (BIOS) is the professional body for Orthoptists. BIOS is affiliated to the Allied Health Professionals Federation, a group made up of 12 bodies representing more than 158,000 workers in the UK. BIOS members in the UK are also automatically trade union members of the British Orthoptic Society Trade Union (BOSTU).

Visit their website >

The Royal College of Podiatry (RCPod)

The Royal College of Podiatry (RCPod) is the leading professional membership body and trade union for podiatrists. 

They represent over 10,000 members both in the UK and internationally, providing a wide range of membership benefits, continuing professional support and guidance and support to help you throughout your career.

Visit their website >

Chartered Society of Physiotherapy (CSP)

The Chartered Society of Physiotherapy is a UK physiotherapy-specific professional body and trade union for physiotherapists, support workers and students.

Connect to the wider physiotherapy workforce by joining their vibrant and inclusive networks including Diversity and Regional Networks. Other benefits include professional liability insurance, workplace support, and legal advice. They campaign on issues that affect their members, including pay, staffing, and working conditions. Through promoting the value of physiotherapy with government, employers, and other stakeholders, they influence decision makers to protect and improve patient care.

Visit their website >


The Society of Radiographers (SoR)

For over 100 years, The Society of Radiographers (SoR) has advocated for radiography professionals at the heart of patient care.

Founded in 1920, the SoR is one of the oldest and most experienced radiography organisations in the world.

As a trade union and UK professional body for the diagnostic imaging and radiotherapy workforce, with their members, they shape policy and standards, pioneer new ways of working, and ensure safe and fair workplaces.

Visit their website >

Other organisations

We work closely with both trade unions and professional bodies. Some professional bodies we work with are themselves trade unions or have close formal links to them. Alongside the larger and more general trade unions listed above, you can find more information about the profession specific organisations we work with on the professional bodies section.

Page updated on: 21/05/2024