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Diversity data: radiographers - March 2023

Equality, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI) information held by the HCPC with regards to the nine protected characteristics of the Equality Act 2010

This factsheet provides key EDI information for radiographers and how the demographics of this group compare to the demographics of HCPC registrants overall.  

In the download section below, you will also find a breakdown of both the diagnostic and therapeutic radiographer modalities. 

For age and sex: all current registrants. 

For other protected characteristics: all current registrants who have submitted EDI data via the EDI portal or survey:

  • 51% of Radiographers
  • 56% of all professions combined

As at 28 March 2023.

Diversity data factsheet: Radiographers

  • Question asked:
    "What was your date of birth"

    This was used to calculate current age at the point of production of this factsheet.

    All professions
    Age Count % Count %
    Not recorded 25 0% 95 0%
    Recorded 43,550 100% 320,515 100%
    20-29 9,570 22% 50,615 16%
    30-39 14,575 33% 97,400 30%
    40-49 9,470 22% 83,735 26%
    50-59 6,585 15% 61,345 19%
    60-69 3,055 7% 24,225 8%
    70+ 295 1% 3,195 1%
      43,550 100% 320,515 100%


  • Question asked:
    "Do you consider yourself to have a disability or to be a disabled person?"

    Accompanying note in portal:
    In the UK, a disability is defined as "a physical or mental impairment which has a substantial and long-term* adverse effect on a person's ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities" You may have none, one, or more conditions that you believe are covered by this definition. Please answer how you feel this definiton applies to you. (*long-term means that the impact has lasted, or is expected to last, for 12 months or more)

    HCPC does collect further data on long term conditions, however the protected characteristic is disabilty status rather than disabling condition.

    All professions
    Disability Count % Count %
    Not recorded 10 0% 50 0%
    Recorded 22,565 100% 182,340 100%
    No 21,110 94% 167,045 92%
    Yes 845 4% 9,760 5%
    Prefer not to say 610 3% 5,535 3%
      22,565 100 182,340 100


  • Question asked:
    "Which of the following best describes your ethnic origin? Ethnicity is defined as including colour, ethnic or national origin, or nationality. Please choose whichever answer best reflects how you think of yourself."

    Portal category options:
    - White
    - Asian or Asian British
    - Black, African, Caribbean or Black British
    - Mixed or multiple ethnic groups
    - Other ethnic group
    - Prefer not to say

    The categories presented here are the high level categories collected by HCPC. Respondents are also asked for a lower level category (18 options) based on their high level response. 

    All professions
    Ethnicity Count % Count %
    Not recorded 5 0% 35 0%
    Recorded 22,570 100% 182,360 100%
    White 12,550 56% 138,645 76%
    Asian 5,610 25% 21,015 12%
    Black 2,645 12% 9,905 5%
    Mixed 385 2% 3,955 2%
    Other 445 2% 2,650 1%
    Prefer not to say 935 4% 6,190 3%
      22,570 100% 182,360 100%


  • Question asked:
    "Is the gender you identify with the same as your sex registered at birth?"

    Accompanying note in portal:
    Your gender identity may be the same as your assigned sex, but it may be different. You may identify as the opposite gender to your assigned sex, you may identify with neither, or with a self-described gender identity.

    All professions
    Gender Reassignment Count % Count %
    Not recorded 45 0% 255 0%
    Recorded 22,525 100% 182,135 100%
    Yes 21,920 97% 177,005 97%
    No 60 0% 415 0%
    Prefer to self-describe 25 0% 180 0%
    Prefer not to say 520 2% 4,535 2%
      22,525 100% 182,135 100%


  • Question asked:
    "What is your legal marital or registered civil partnership status?"

    Portal category options:
    - Married
    - Never married and never registered in a civil partnership
    - Divorced
    - In a registered civil partnership
    - Separated but still legally married
    - Widowed
    - Formerly in a civil partnership which is now legally dissolved
    - Separated but still legally in civil partnership
    - Surviving partner from a registered civil partnership
    - Prefer not to say

    All professions
    Marriage and Civil Partnership Count % Count %
    Not recorded 10 0% 55 0%
    Recorded 22,565 100% 182335 100%
    Married (M) 10,325 46% 88,910 49%
    Never married or CP 9,110 40% 64,935 36%
    Separated & div. (M) 980 4% 9,705 5%
    In Civil Partnership (CP) 155 1% 1,800 1%
    Separated, not div. (M) 225 1% 2,080 1%
    Widowed (M) 150 1% 1,210 1%
    Separated & dis. (CP) 10 0% 110 0%
    Separated not dis. (CP) 10 0% 55 0%
    Widowed (CP) 5 0% 20 0%
    Prefer not to say 1,595 7% 13,510 7%
      22,565 100% 182,335 100%


  • Question asked:
    "Do you consider your self to fall under the protected characteristic of 'pregnacy & maternity', as per the Equality Act 2010? 'Pregnancy' refers to the condition of being pregnant or expecting a baby, and 'maternity' refers to the period of 26 weeks after birth. The Equality Act 2010 protections also cover a someone who has had a miscarriage."

    All professions
    Pregnancy and Maternity Count % Count %
    Not recorded 40 0% 150 0%
    Recorded 22,535 100% 182,245 100%
    No 19,605 87% 162,910 89%
    Yes 1,395 6% 9,295 5%
    Prefer not to say 1,535 7% 10,040 6%
      22,535 100% 182,245 100%


  • Question asked:
    "What is your religion or strongly held belief, if any?"

    Portal category options:
    - No religion or strongly held belief
    - Christian (Including Church of England, Catholic, Protestant and all other Christian denominations.)
    - Muslim
    - Hindu
    - Spiritual
    - Buddhist
    - Any other religion or belief
    - Jewish
    - Sikh
    - Prefer not to say

    All professions
    Religion or Belief Count % Count %
    Not recorded 10 0% 50 0%
    Recorded 22,570 100% 182,335 100%
    No religion 6,225 28% 73,815 40%
    Christian 10,855 48% 72,625 40%
    Muslim 2,095 9% 7,710 4%
    Hindu 1,065 5% 5,335 3%
    Spiritual 255 1% 4,020 2%
    Buddhist 200 1% 1,430 1%
    Other 240 1% 1,870 1%
    Jewish 60 0% 1,225 1%
    Sikh 130 1% 885 0%
    Prefer not to say 1,445 6% 13,420 7%
      22,570 100% 182,335 100%


  • Question asked:
    "What is your Sex?"

    Accompanying note in portal: 
    This is the sex you were assigned at birth and we asked you to provide this information when you registered with the HCPC. For births registered in the UK, this will either be male or female. However, some other countries may include 'intersex' as an option. We also ask if your gender identity is different from the sex you were assigned at birth. Your gender identity may be the same as your assigned sex, but it may be different. You may identify as the opposite gender to your assigned sex, you may identify with neither, or with a self-described gender identity.

    All professions
    Sex Count % Count %
    Not recorded 25 0% 150 0%
    Recorded 43,550 100% 320,455 100%
    Female 30,185 69% 232,105 72%
    Male 12,905 30% 84,010 26%
    Intersex 5 0% 25 0%
    Prefer not to say 455 1% 4,315 1%
      43,550 100% 320,455 100%


  • Question asked:
    "Which of the following best describes your sexual orientation?"

    Portal category options:
    - Heterosexual/straight
    - Bisexual
    - Gay woman/lesbian
    - Gay man
    - Pansexual
    - Queer
    - Asexual
    - Prefer to self-describe
    - Prefer not to say

    All professions
    Sexual Orientation Count % Count %
    Not recorded 20 0% 60 0%
    Recorded 22,555 100% 182,330 100%
    Heterosexual 19,995 89% 159,645 88%
    Bisexual 375 2% 3,585 2%
    Lesbian 195 1% 2,560 1%
    Gay man 310 1% 2,390 1%
    Pansexual 50 0% 640 0%
    Queer 40 0% 510 0%
    Asexual 35 0% 205 0%
    Prefer to self-describe 30 0% 195 0%
    Prefer not to say 1,525 7% 12,600 7%
      22,555 100% 182,330 100%


Help and guidance

Protected characteristics: The nine protected charateristics of the Equality Act 2010: Age, disability, ethnicity, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, religion or belief, sex, sexual orientation.

Registrants: An active registrant on the HCPC register at the time of the analysis.

Respondents: Registrants who provided other protected characteristic EDI data via the portal or survey.

Count: Number of registrants (age & sex) or respondents (other protected characteristics).

Not recorded: Total number of registrants/respondents for whom this information is not held. For respondents these are due to data collection system errors and only includes those who have attempted to give this information.

Recorded: Total number of registrants/respondents for whom this information is held.

All professions

Age & Sex:  All active registrants on the HCPC register, regardless of profession. 

Other protected characterictics:  All respondents of EDI regardless of profession.


Supply of EDI data is voluntary and therefore is not complete for all registrants. As such the tables do not represent the entire register. Consideration of the coverage as detailed in the Demography section is important when using or generalising the findings.
Most registrants complete or update their EDI data at renewal, so it may be up to two years old.
All questions have a "prefer not to say" option which are included in the tables as it is a valid response and hence indicates that the question has been asked.
A small number of records were been affected by now resolved issues with the data collection systems that allowed no reponse to be recorded for certain questions. These are shown as 'Not recorded' in the tables.
Rounding has been used to control the risk of disclosure of personal information. Counts have been rounded to the nearest five. Therefore a count of 0 in a table represents either 0, 1 or 2 registrants with that characteristic. 

Registrant data, Diversity data
Tudalen wedi'i diweddaru ymlaen: 22/06/2023