Providing advice to our Council and committees
A professional liaison group (or ‘PLG’) provides advice to the Council or committees on strategic issues. Either the Council, or a committee can decide to set up a PLG, to look at a specific issue and report back.
PLGs are project-based, and have a defined timescale with specific pieces of work to achieve.
Each PLG will always have:
- a rationale (a ‘mission statement’);
- terms of reference;
- a plan of activities;
- a timetable; and
- a budget.
The membership of a PLG can vary depending on its needs. A PLG may need members who can provide expert opinion, members who represent organisations or a combination. When the Council sets up a PLG, it will decide what members it needs, and how it will seek these members.
The membership of a PLG may need to include educational institution representatives, employer representatives, patient/client/user representatives, lay members, or other representatives or experts. The convenor of a PLG will normally be a council member.
In May 2008 the Council agreed a revised operating manual for PLGs.
Agendas and papers for PLGs
- Applied psychologists SOP
- Standards of Education and Training
- Review of the Standards of Proficiency
- Continuing Professional Development
- Continuing fitness to practise
- Review of the Standards of Education and Training
- Psychotherapists and Counsellors
- Review of the Standards of Conduct, Performance and Ethics