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Professional bodies typically promote the profession, represent their members and provide curriculum frameworks, training and CPD.

Whilst these organisations are separate from the HCPC, their role may be complementary to ours.

Professional bodies for clinical scientists include:

Institute for Physics and Engineering in Medicine (IPEM)

The Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine (IPEM) is the professional organisation that represents Medical Physicists, Clinical Engineers and Technologists, with members drawn from healthcare, academia and industry.

IPEM membership provides a range of professional development opportunities; a vibrant community of practice, with high professional standards at its core, outstanding volunteer engagement and a real commitment to equity, diversity and inclusion; and is the trusted and effective voice for Medical Physics and Clinical Engineering.

Visit their website >

Academy for Healthcare Science (AHCS)

The AHCS is the single overarching body for the entire UK Healthcare Science workforce, working alongside the healthcare science professional bodies, and also professionals from the Life Science Industry and Clinical Research Practitioners, to strengthen the visibility of the contribution of these workforces to patient care.

They do this by:

  • facilitating consistent regulation for the Healthcare Science workforce throughout regulatory framework including their Register accredited by the Professional Standards Authority;
  • running a system to assess and confer ‘equivalence’ of the existing qualifications and experience individuals have conferring eligibility to apply to their voluntary accredited register;
  • being a HCPC approved education provider for the STP Certificate of Equivalence;
  • quality assuring education and training, working with other stakeholders where appropriate;
  • developing and maintaining common standards for Healthcare Science practice;
  • working with a range of other organisations including the Professional Bodies Council;
  • recognising excellence and promoting leadership.

Visit their website >

British Society for the Clinical Electrophysiology of Vision (BriSCEV)

Formed in 2003, the British Society for the Clinical Electrophysiology of Vision (BriSCEV) is the professional body for Visual electrophysiology and Ophthalmic and Vision Science in the UK.

The members of the society include physicians, Healthcare Scientists and other professionals who have an active interest in clinical electrophysiology of vision. Electrophysiology gives objective information on visual function. The members of the society are involved with the routine clinical application or research aspects of electrophysiology of vision.

The objectives of the society to:

  • promote and extend the knowledge of clinical electrophysiology of vision;
  • promote co-operation and communication among workers in the field of clinical and basic electrophysiology pertaining to vision;
  • prepare and conduct meetings and symposia on clinical electrophysiology relating to vision;
  • provide news sheets and pertinent information to members as well as material presented at symposia, in a printed form;
  • establish and continually revise norms for instrumentation, recording procedures and measurement in clinical
  • electrophysiology of vision, in accordance with ISCEV guidance;
  • organise and promote other related activities deemed to be in the interest of furthering electrophysiology of vision;
  • provide guidance on education and training, and on professional standards for personnel performing or interpreting ophthalmic and vision science tests.

Visit their website > 

Association of Reproductive and Clinical Scientists (ARCS)

ARCS is the professional body for Reproductive Scientists in the UK. Founded in 2020 by the merger of three established societies Association of Clinical Embryologists (ACE), British Andrology Society (BAS) and Association of Biomedical Andrologists (ABA), ARCS strives to promote high standards of practice in Reproductive Science and to support the professional interests of those working in the UK and internationally.

ARCS boasts a membership in excess of 700 members and strives to advance the profession through training and education, providing information, support and a global community for our members.

Their mission statement is to:

  • promote high quality, evidence-based diagnosis, treatment and patient care using a range of experimental models.
  • further excellence and innovation in the fields of human and animal reproductive research.
  • provide a professional forum for members working in basic and applied reproductive science.
  • provide strategic leadership, advice and professional guidance at all times.
  • engage with other organisations, regulators and the public in the field of reproduction.
  • promote and provide education and training to all disciplines within and allied to the field of reproduction.

Visit their website >

Association for Clinical Genomic Science (ACGS)

The Association for Clinical Genomic Science is the new name for the Association for Clinical Genetic Science. It was established in December 2012 from a merger of the Association for Clinical Cytogenetics and the Clinical Molecular Genetics Society with the vision of bringing together scientists working within genetics into one professional association.

Visit their website >

Association for Respiratory Technology and Physiology (ARTP)

The Association for Respiratory Technology & Physiology (ARTP) are the professional guardians of physiological measurement and interpretation within the field of respiratory medicine for the United Kingdom. Drawing on a wealth of knowledge, skills and experience, they are a collection of healthcare scientists who bring inspiration and quality into respiratory healthcare.

Visit their website >

Association for the Clinical Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine

The Association for Laboratory Medicine is one of the professional membership organisations dedicated to the practice and promotion of clinical science. As the major body for clinical biochemistry, immunology and microbiology in the United Kingdom, they work nationally and internationally to promote the highest standards in laboratory testing and patient care.

Visit their website >

Association of Clinical Electron Microscopists (ACEM)

The Association of Clinical Electron Microscopists (ACEM) aims to promote awareness, teaching and best practice of clinical electron microscopy, i.e. electron microscopy applied to human specimens for the purpose of diagnosis and research. Founded in 1998, ACEM represents clinical electron microscopy in the UK at government and health professional organisation level. Although UK-based, we have overseas members around the world.

Visit their website >

British Society for Clinical Neurophysiology (BSCN)

The BSCN is a medical charity whose aims, set out in our articles of association are to promote and encourage for the public benefit the science and practice of clinical neurophysiology and related sciences.

Visit their website >

British Society for Haematology

The British Society for Haematology (BSH) has been bringing haematology professionals together since 1960 to transform the care our members provide to patients. With over 2,800 members worldwide, they are the largest UK haematology organisation and the only society to cover all aspects of the specialty.

Visit their website >

British Society for Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics (BSHI)

The British Society for Histocompatibility & Immunogenetics (BSHI) was formed in 1989 following widespread expression of support for a formal professional body to represent scientists in the field. The society has a membership of over 450 which includes Biomedical Scientists, Clinical Scientists, Physicians, Surgeons, Researchers and Academics.

Visit their website >

British Blood Transfusion Society (BBTS)

The British Blood Transfusion Society (BBTS) is the UK's only society dedicated to supporting Transfusion Professionals.  They are a membership society, professional body and charity committed to the research, development and advanced study of blood transfusion. BBTS aims to support and develop the field of transfusion for the public benefit. They support the professional community by providing career development and learning opportunities, ensuring the constant advancement of the profession.

Visit their website >

British Society for Genetic Medicine

The British Society for Genetic Medicine, founded in 1996 as the British Society for Human Genetics, provides a forum for professionals involved in genetics and genomics as a clinical service and research.

As an umbrella organisation, their membership includes a wide spectrum of clinical, laboratory and research disciplines.  Originally their members were mainly drawn from those working in specialist NHS regional genetic services and research departments, but now they include health professionals from a wide range of clinical disciplines, who use genetics and genomics as part of their clinical care.

Visit their website >

Association of Clinical Scientists (ACS)

The objects of the Association are as follows:

  • The prime role of the ACS is to assess trainees as a preliminary to registration as a Clinical Scientist with HCPC.
  • To promote, advance and encourage the study and practice of the application of science in the prevention, diagnosis and control of illness, disease and disability.
  • To establish, uphold and improve the standards of qualification, training, competence and conduct of Clinical Scientists in the United Kingdom.
  • To work with official bodies including the HCPC on matters relating to the above.
  • To liaise with relevant professional bodies and other assessment bodies to help ensure the standards for training and training centres include availability of appropriate resources, regular assessment, pastoral care and mechanisms for addressing students’ training issues.

Visit their website >

Other organisations

We work closely with both trade unions and professional bodies. Some professional bodies we work with are themselves trade unions or have close formal links to them. You can find more information about the other organisations we work with on the trade unions section.

Tudalen wedi'i diweddaru ymlaen: 07/03/2024