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Our 'Online Applications' system will be undergoing essential maintenance on 29 January 2025, from 07:00 am to 10:00 am. During this time, the system won't be available. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

Build a resilient, healthy, capable and sustainable organisation

Aim: Employees feel valued and supported, and fully able to contribute. The organisation is resilient and able to quickly adapt to changes in the external environment

In 2023–24, following a comprehensive consultation exercise, we implemented an essential increase in our fees to maintain our financial sustainability, alongside a commitment to carry out regular, incremental fee reviews in future. This has enabled us to set a balanced budget that is funding investment in further improvements while ensuring that we can continue to meet core regulatory and service standards.

We continued to make progress in line with our People Strategy including launching a reverse mentoring scheme, and new learning and development programmes for staff at all levels. We are also running regular pulse surveys which show good levels of employee engagement, while highlighting areas for further improvement.

We published our first sustainability statement in 2023, which set out our long-term commitment to becoming a net zero organisation, and our move to a carbon neutral,  renewable tariff for our organisational energy use.

We have successfully maintained a high level of service and availability for our critical IT systems, with further progress in migrating them onto secure resilient cloud-based platforms. We have also initiated and delivered a number of change programmes, including a new recruitment portal that will help us attract high calibre candidates and further improvements to our FTP case management system. This work will continue into 2024–25.

In 2024-25 we will further this aim by:


Update the HCPC Fee model

  • Develop framework for regular fee reviews to provide clarity about our future funding needs and ensure that the HCPC continues to be adequately funded.
  • Consult on changes to fees recommended by the next regular review, for implementation in 2025.


People Strategy

  • Build skills and capabilities for career development at all levels.
  • Activities will include strengthening our succession planning framework, deploying our new recruitment portal, and rolling out new learning and development programmes.
  • We will also monitor equality and diversity data to enable the advancement of underrepresented groups.


Digital transformation

  • In accordance with our digital and corporate strategies, develop plans to implement learning from a 2023–24 review of our existing regulatory systems and platforms.


IT security modernisation

  • Update our systems with new capabilities and features included in Microsoft’s security software and strengthen cyber defences in line with evolving best practice.



  • Maintain progress towards the long-term net zero ambition set out in the HCPC’s corporate sustainability statement.


Business Central Phase 2

  • Embed the newly implemented Business Central finance system across the HCPC, maximising the benefits it brings to transaction processing and how registrants are able to pay their fees.
Tudalen wedi'i diweddaru ymlaen: 05/06/2024