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Please use this section to tell us about your professional experience

You should provide as much detail as possible within the character limit (20,000 characters) to help us determine whether you meet the HCPC standards of proficiency.

Provide information in chronological order

The information should be provided in chronological order, with your most recent experience first. Please explain any significant gaps (of six months or more) in your career history.

Include professional contact details 

You should provide us with the professional contact details of an individual at that organisation who is able to confirm the information you have given.

We will contact this referee and ask them to verify the information. If we do not receive a response or are unable to verify your information fully, we will email you to let you know and request alternative contact details to complete our verification check.

Official email addresses

We cannot accept unofficial or personal email addresses for professional referees. The email address you provide must use the official domain of their organisation, rather than an unofficial domain such as Gmail or Hotmail. If your workplace has no official web domain, we need to see that it is clearly linked to the organisation and independently verify this. For example, this would be verifiable if a Gmail address is given on a website owned by your workplace, which we can access.

If we are unable to validate the email address, we’ll contact you to let you know and request alternative contact details to complete our verification check.

Add supporting references

In addition to this information, you must provide references in support of your application. They should be written by someone who has been your supervisor, or otherwise responsible for you in a professional capacity.

Upload your professional experience

You can upload any supporting professional experience documents in this section.

You must provide us with information of at least one example of your professional experience.

Making sure you provide all necessary details as listed above is crucial to avoid any delays in your application process.

Tudalen wedi'i diweddaru ymlaen: 13/07/2022