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Medicines and prescribing rights on the Register

We have powers to mark or 'annotate' the Register to show where a registrant has additional entitlements because they have completed additional training in a particular area of practice. We currently annotate our Register to indicate where a registrant has undertaken additional training around medicines and has obtained entitlements to sell, supply, administer or prescribe these medicines. We are required to do this by legislation.

Annotations will only appear on the Register for registrants who are qualified to practise in that area. Below is a list of the annotations that may appear on the results page, alongside an explanation of each.

Independent prescribing (IP)

This will appear on the Register for some chiropodists / podiatrists, physiotherapists, paramedics and therapeutic radiographers, if the registrant is qualified to act as an 'independent prescriber'.

An independent prescriber is able to prescribe on their own initiative any medicine within their scope of practice and relevant legislation.

Supplementary prescribing (SP)

This will appear on the Register for some chiropodists / podiatrists, physiotherapists, paramedics, radiographers and dietitians, if the registrant is qualified to act as a 'supplementary prescriber'.

A supplementary prescriber is able to prescribe medicines to patients as part of a 'clinical management plan'. This is a plan agreed between the supplementary prescriber, a doctor and the patient. A supplementary prescriber can only prescribe the medicines included in the clinical management plan.

Prescription only medicines – administration (POM-A)

This will appear on the Register for some chiropodists / podiatrists, if the registrant is qualified to administer by injection certain prescription only medicines, including a range of local anaesthetics, as part of their practice and without the need for a prescription.

There is a list of the medicines that can be administered

Prescription only medicines – sale / supply (POM-S)

This will appear on the Register for some chiropodists / podiatrists and orthoptists, if the registrant is qualified to sell or supply certain prescription only medicines legally as part of their practice.

More information on medicines and prescribing

Tudalen wedi'i diweddaru ymlaen: 22/05/2019