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What happens when you receive my concern

We will review your concern to decide whether it is about an issue that is within our remit to investigate

Launch of consultation on English language proficiency

We have launched a consultation on our English language proficiency requirements which will run from Monday 16 October 2023 to Friday 19 January 2024.

A registrant's responsibility to maintain appropriate boundaries

Registrants establish and maintain that trust by treating service users with dignity and respect and involving them in decisions about their care.

Sample CPD profiles

These profiles give examples of how you can show that you meet our standards for CPD in a variety of professions, settings and activities

What equality, diversity and inclusion means to us

We intend that everybody should be equally able to access our services and be treated fairly and supported when doing so

What is reflection?

Learn what we mean by 'reflection' and how you can use it to gain insight into your professional practice
