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The HCPC will be closed from 12 noon on 24 December 2024, reopening 2 January 2025. Email inboxes and phones are not being monitored. More information

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International application assessment update

We have made some important changes to our requirements and processes for international applications to our Register.

My COVID-19 Story - Luke McAndrew

Luke McAndrew is a recent graduate and newly qualified paramedic.

UK applications move completely online

UK applicants have joined international applicants in being able to submit their application for HCPC registration completely online.

Making an appeal

If we decide that your CPD profile does not meet our standards you can appeal against this decision

Higher and Degree apprenticeships

Information to help education providers meet our regulatory requirements when setting up Degree Apprenticeships

Level of supervision

Case study: Ameena is a registered Band 7 Physiotherapist at an NHS Trust. Ameena has recently been asked by her employer to supervise Marianne, who has recently qualified as a Band 5 physiotherapist.

Your renewal fee payments

Information about paying your renewal fee, including payment types and direct debit collection dates for each profession.
