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Registrant snapshot - 1 January 2021
View and download registrant statistics by profession, gender and application route
Orthoptist CPD audit (2019)
A total of 37 orthoptists were asked to present their CPD profile for the previous 2017-2019 renewal cycle.
Paramedic CPD audit (2019)
A total of 695 paramedics were asked to present their CPD profile for the previous 2017-2019 renewal cycle.
Understanding convictions and cautions
Which circumstances provide exceptions to the need to tell us about a caution or conviction.
Applicants with convictions
How to consider applicants with convictions or cautions and make decisions regarding their suitability for registration and ability to provide a professional service for the public.
Student misconduct
A closer look at student misconduct whilst on a programme, and what resources are there to support you in developing related policies.
Identifying your current scope of practice
Advice on how to work out what your current scope of practice is
Scope of practice and the standards
What our standards say on scope of practice
Our profession’s medicines and prescribing rights
Find out what rights your profession has and how these are changed
Controlled drugs
Controlled drugs are subject to additional legal controls as they carry a higher risk of being misused or causing harm
Additional advice and support
Specific guidance relating to key areas, such as scope of practice, vaccine administration and specific roles
Supporting an environment for change
Education annual report for 2016–17 reflects on another year of progress in which we approved a diverse range of programmes delivered by a broad range of providers
Disclosing information to regulators
There are a number of regulators – such as the General Medical Council, the Care Quality Commission and us – who may need you to pass on information to them
Disclosing information by law
Sometimes, you may be asked for information directly under the law – for example, if a court has ordered you to disclose the information
Disclosing information with consent
In most cases, you will need to make sure you have consent from the service user before you disclose or share any identifiable information