Yn dangos 1681 i 1695 o 1918 canlyniadau
How to renew online
You need to make your professional declaration and pay your fee to complete your renewal using your online account
Education providers
We work closely with education providers to ensure that training programmes meet and continue to meet our standards
Documents you need to prepare and certify
Before applying, prepare and certify your documents to avoid delays to your application
Supervision case studies and templates
This section includes case studies and templates to demonstrate how to approach supervision effectively
Media contacts
How to get in touch with our press office
Reflective practice case studies and template
This section provides a summary of reflective models that can make your reflections effective and a template to guide your own activities
Health declaration investigations process
Information on how we consider health declarations and establish whether individuals can practise safely and effectively.
Deferring your CPD audit
We recognise that, due to unavoidable circumstances, some registrants may need to defer (put off) their audit.