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Brexit - Information for professionals
Information on the changes to our registration processes from 1 January 2021 and how they might impact the members of HCPC's professions
Customer service policy
View our policy for customer service in this section
The benefits of supervision - an employer’s perspective
The British Psychological Society's Dr Noreen Tehrani looks at the different types of supervision from an employer's perspective - including the different benefits that employers stand to gain and tips to ensure its success.
Preceptorship – supporting registrants, employers and the sector to deliver better healthcare
The consultation on preceptorship sets out our ambition to construct a set of principles that can support registrants, employers and the wider sector in delivering better healthcare by ensuring healthcare professionals are better supported at key points in their careers.
Vaccinations: what you need to know
This page provides information for registrants and answers some frequently asked questions.
Returning to Practice: My Journey - Rachael Harrison
Rachael is an Occupational Therapist with over 23 years of experience. She returned to practice in 2023 after a career break.
Supporting professionals return to practice
Guidance on how employers can encourage and support those wanting to return to practice
Reporting concerns or information about a provider or programme
How to report concerns or information about a provider or programme
Registrant health and wellbeing strategy
We want to exhibit empathy in all our interactions, demonstrate fairness in all that we do, and cultivate professionalism through a supportive, transparent and collaborative approach
COVID-19 and your scope of practice
The factors to consider in applying our standards during the COVID-19 pandemic
Employer insight: Supporting transgender employees in the workplace - Top Tips
NHS Lothian (NHSL) developed a number of initiatives to support Transgender employees at work, including Top tips for employees and employers
How to fill out the returning to practice form
We have set out some top tips to help applicants complete the returning to practice form as easily as possible
Chair of the HCPC announces search for Council Apprentice
The role provides an opportunity for a talented person to gain boardroom experience and skills as a member of the HCPC’s most senior decision-making group.