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The HCPC will be closed from 12 noon on 24 December 2024, reopening 2 January 2025. Email inboxes and phones are not being monitored. More information

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Paramedic programmes non-ambulance practice-based learning: Understanding our requirements

We have produced an information sheet for education providers to enable consideration of our regulatory requirements and standards when developing in this area.

High level principles for good practice in remote consultations and prescribing

High level principles of good practice expected of everyone when consulting and or prescribing remotely from the patient

Consultation workshop: Standards of conduct, performance and ethics - sustainability

This workshop gives you an opportunity to ask questions about the revisions we have made

Can I do that? Thinking through your scope of practice

Our guidance says you should use your “professional judgement” to come to decisions about what is and is not within your scope of practice (the limit of your skills, knowledge and experience). But what does this “professional judgement” look like in practice?

New Executive Director of Regulation

HCPC is delighted to announce the appointment of Andrew Smith as their new Executive Director of Regulation.

My Story - Dr Pameleta Ricketts (Black History Month)

Pam chairs a divisional EDI committee and is currently employed as a Professional Lead Allied Health Professional in a large Community NHS Foundation Trust, serving a diverse and multi-ethnic community.

The standards of proficiency for dietitians

The standards of proficiency that dietitians must meet in order to join, and remain on, the HCPC Register. 

Employer referrals

Raise a concern if you are an employer of a HCPC registrant

Fitness to Practise Data Supplementary Analysis 2023-24

Our Fitness to Practise Annual Report published in October 2024 provided some analysis of our data in order to inform stakeholders and the public about this part of our work. Further analyses of our data are included in this new report and are in two sections.
