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Canlyniadau chwilio am care act 2014

Yn dangos 406 i 420 o 911 canlyniadau

Role of the regulator

As an independent statutory regulator, our role is to protect the public

Standards for prescribing

Our expectations of education providers delivering training in prescribing and of professionals on our Register who prescribe

Welsh Language Scheme Annual Monitoring Report 2021

How we continue to implement steps to make sure we treat English and Welsh equally when communicating with the public in Wales

Welsh Language Scheme Annual Monitoring Report 2022-23

How we continue to implement steps to make sure we treat English and Welsh equally when communicating with the public in Wales.

What equality, diversity and inclusion means to us

We intend that everybody should be equally able to access our services and be treated fairly and supported when doing so

Additional entitlements

We have powers to mark or 'annotate' the Register to show where a registrant has additional entitlements because they have completed additional training in a particular area of practice.
