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Dishonesty by falsifying time sheet and travel expense claims

Case study: The NHS Counter Fraud Unit of the local NHS Trust raised concerns about a physiotherapist. On numerous occasions, the registrant submitted timesheets and claimed payments for hours they did not work.

HCPC response to DHSC healthcare regulation consultation

As we move forward with the wider programme of regulatory reform, we welcome this consultation to consider how the powers to introduce and remove professions from regulation might be used in the future.

Disability History Month: Disability networks and support for HCPC-registered professionals

Adrian Barrowdale, Strategic Lead for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, writes about the recently-published list of disability networks and initiatives for the professions that the HCPC regulates.

New training guidance

We do understand that on occasions it might not be possible for you attend the training we asked you to do. The new training guidance sets out our approach to training across all the regulatory functions.

Employer Insights webinar - Introducing the revised standards of conduct, performance and ethics

In this 30-minute session designed for employers and managers of HCPC registrants, we’ll introduce the revisions and move on to consider the ways in which you can support your team to understand and embed the changes.

Standards of conduct, performance and ethics - service user and carer consultation

In July 2006 we decided to review the standards so that we could make sure that they continued to be fit for purpose and that they conformed to the expectations of the public, registrants and other stakeholders.

Launch date announced for specialist social work regulator

Nadhim Zahawi has announced Monday 2 December 2019 as the date when Social Work England will take over from the HCPC as the new social work regulator

HCPC Corporate Strategy 2021-2026

Our aim to be a high performing regulator which delivers forward-looking regulation underpinned by strong data, collaboration and compassion

Inappropriate relationship with patient

Case study: A psychologist’s employer raised concerns that the registrant had taken a service user on a trip involving an overnight stay in a shared hotel room, bought the service user alcohol and appeared to be under the influence of alcohol in the presence of the service user.

What has changed

Find details of the revised standards of conduct performance and ethics, and how they compare to the current standards.

Commonly asked record-keeping questions, answered

Katherine Timms, Head of Policy and Standards at the HCPC, answers the most common questions we receive from registrants about record keeping

The standards of proficiency for paramedics

The standards of proficiency that paramedics must meet in order to join, and remain on, the HCPC Register. 

HCPC response to the Welsh Government’s consultation on the mandatory licensing of special procedures in Wales

View our response to the Welsh Government’s consultation on the mandatory licensing of special procedures in Wales

The standards of proficiency for speech and language therapists

The standards of proficiency that speech and language therapists must meet in order to join, and remain on, the HCPC Register. 
