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What employers need to know before the updated standards of proficiency come into effect

Learn about the updated standards of proficiency, what is changing, what they will improve and what your responsibilities are as an employer. 

Arts therapists renewal window closing soon

The deadline for arts therapists to complete their registration renewal is fast approaching

Visiting European professionals

European professionals can sign a declaration to provide temporary and occasional services in the UK

Remote supervision

Case study: Raff is a hearing aid dispenser working in independent practice. He has just started running his own business as a sole practitioner in a remote location in the Scottish Highlands.

Plagiarism checks

We check the documents you submit as part of your international application for plagiarism using a third-party software

What we cannot investigate

The types of issues we cannot get involved with

Fitness to practise annual report 2004

This report provides information about the HPC’s work in considering allegations about the Fitness to Practise of registrants.

Regulating further professions

How the government decides which professions should be regulated

Continuing professional development (CPD)

This section provides information about the CPD audit process, and provides guidance on meeting our CPD standards

Employer insight: A lifeline for NHS Wales staff and students

Health for Health Professionals Wales (HHP Wales) - since the pandemic began, the service has expanded to offer signposting to a range of support for NHS staff, students and volunteers
