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Education annual report 2021-23

This report provides information for our stakeholders about education and training for the 15 professions we regulate.

Your COVID-19 stories

We’ve been speaking to Registrants throughout the pandemic and highlighting their COVID-19 experiences

Confidentiality and accountability

You need to make informed and reasonable decisions about your own practice to make sure that you always respect and protect the confidentiality of service users

Work for us

The people we work with are central to helping us achieve effective and efficient regulation

COVID-19 advice

Read our FAQs and information on how to apply our standards during the COVID-19 pandemic

Diversity data: hearing aid dispensers - March 2023

This factsheet provides key EDI information for hearing aid dispensers and how the demographics of this group compare to the demographics of HCPC registrants overall

Diversity data: speech and language therapists - November 2023

This factsheet provides key EDI information for speech and language therapists and how the demographics of this group compare to the demographics of HCPC registrants overall

Watch: Employer Insights webinar - Updated standards of proficiency

Watch a recording of this 45-minute webinar designed to specially for employers and managers of HCPC registrants, to support them with the updated standards of proficiency.

UK-wide Professional Liaison Service

The Professional Liaison Service now operates with a Consultant in each of the four UK nations, who can design and deliver solutions that are specific to registrant and employer needs. 

How we investigate health concerns

The HCPC takes a proportionate approach to investigating concerns about a registrant’s physical or mental health

Our work

Our corporate plan sets out the important development work we want to achieve to progress our strategy

How we’re supporting you with the updates to our standards of proficiency

Adam Haxell, Strategic Relationships Lead, sets out the activities in this key period of engagement, to raise awareness of our updated standards and help registrants overcome any barriers they may face in meeting them.

Sustainability in health and care practice

HCPC Policy Lead, Rosemary Flowers-Wanjie, explains the background behind our development and publication of content support registrants with sustainable practice.

Assessing and quantifying risk

We use a risk model which allows us to be consistent in the application of our standards and processes.
