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What is your scope of practice

But how do you determine what your scope of practice is? This page, and the resources within it, will help.

How we work

We have produced an animation to explain how we operate and how the HCPC benefits both registrants and service users

Registrant snapshot - 1 March 2023

Total number of registrants for the main HCPC Register, broken down by profession (1 March 2023).

New threshold for paramedic registration

In 2018, we raised the level of qualification for paramedics’ registration. Previously paramedics needed to achieve ‘Equivalent to Certificate of Higher Education’ to become registered. Currently they need to achieve ’Bachelor degree with honours’.

Completing a CPD profile for audit

If selected for CPD audit, you'll be asked to submit a profile as proof of your activities and how they meet the standards for CPD

My story - Sonya Lam

To celebrate Allied Health Professions (AHPs) day, Sonya talks to us about what it means to be an AHP and how she is inspired by the talent and resourcefulness of other AHPs. 

Return to practice: a win-win for employers and professionals

Speech and language therapist Debbie Halden shares her experience supporting a former registrant return to practice

Reflecting by yourself

Case study: Emily is a dietitian working in an NHS Trust hospital. She also volunteers at a local charity that raises awareness about diabetes at events and conferences

Ramadan 2022 – supporting Muslim colleagues at work

Learning and Development Manager Tehimna Ansari reflects on how mangers and colleagues can support Muslim colleagues during the holy month of Ramadan.

Registrant snapshot - 1 November 2024

Total number of registrants for the HCPC Register, broken down by profession and application route to registration (1 November 2024).

Registrant snapshot - 2 November 2023

Total number of registrants for the main HCPC Register, broken down by profession (2 November 2023).
