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Consultation on changes to fees

Between the 10 April to 14 June 2024, we consulted on proposals to increase our fees.

HCPC response to the Department for Science, Innovation and Technology and the Office for Artificial Intelligence’s consultation on AI regulation: a pro-innovation approach

View our response to the Department for Science, Innovation and Technology and the Office for Artificial Intelligence’s consultation on AI regulation: a pro-innovation approach

Able to offer support?

Some of our registrants have been in touch saying they are now in a position to help the NHS and want to know how to offer support

Standards of proficiency for social workers in England - service user and carer input into the review

A review of the standards of proficiency for social workers in England. This is part of the HCPCs wider review of these standards taking place in 2015 and 2016

Managing existing health conditions and disabilities in the workplace

We think that it’s important to further clarify within the standards that registrants do not need to stop practising simply because they have a physical or mental health condition.

Confidentiality and accountability

You need to make informed and reasonable decisions about your own practice to make sure that you always respect and protect the confidentiality of service users

The HCPC is looking for four new Council members

Council members play a key part in setting strategy and policy for the HCPC and ensuring that public protection is at the heart of everything that we do.

Join the conversation on #myHCPCstandards, #HCPCregistered and #myHCPCcpd on social media

Keep up to date with the latest news and information relating to our standards, your registration and your CPD

Registration assessors

Registration assessors assess applications from health professionals who are eligible to apply via the international, EMR or grandparenting application routes

Freedom of information

The Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA) gives a general right of access to recorded information held by public authorities

HCPC fitness to practise annual report 2023-24

This annual report provides an account of our work investigating fitness to practise (FTP) concerns raised with us across the 15 professions we regulate.

What our investigation would involve

If we decide that a concern is within our remit at the triage stage, we will carry out an initial investigation
