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Reviewing your application
We'll check if your application is complete and all your documents are certified correctly
Before we begin
The first page you’ll see is the ‘Before we begin’ page
Section 1 – Your details
In this section we ask you for your personal and contact information
Section 2 – Character and health declarations, vetting and barring
These declarations allow us to consider your fitness to practise
Section 3 – Education and training
In this section you’ll be asked for the details about your qualification
Equality, diversity and inclusivity (EDI) monitoring information
This is the final stage of the process, but it is separate from the application
What is supervision?
Learn what we mean by 'supervision' and how you can apply this in your practice
The benefits and outcomes of effective supervision
Learn about the benefits that supervision can have for your professional practice and the wider sector
Panel Members
Panel Members consider information and evidence presented to them to reach well-reasoned and fair decisions on registrants’ fitness to practise cases
Registration assessors
Registration assessors assess applications from health professionals who are eligible to apply via the international, EMR or grandparenting application routes
Visitors assess education and training programmes to make a recommendation about whether they meet our standards