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The HCPC will be closed from 12 noon on 24 December 2024, reopening 2 January 2025. Email inboxes and phones are not being monitored. More information

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How to fill out the returning to practice form

We have set out some top tips to help applicants complete the returning to practice form as easily as possible

Need help?

How to check the Register to find a professional, and what the results mean

Case studies on making self referrals

Explore common scenarios where a registrant may need to consider making a self-referral

Registration: what you need to know as an employer

Info on joining the Register, renewals, international applicants, period of adaptation and returning to practice

Return to practice: attracting an untapped resource

Paul Chapman on the benefits for employers in supporting professionals back to practice

My COVID-19 story - Stewart Mears

Stewart is a locum ODP currently working at University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust

Consultation on Standards for prescribing

We are consulting on proposed changes to the Standards for prescribing.

Keeping your standards relevant

How we're ensuring our standards reflect the expectations of a modern day health service and the real lived-in context you work in

HCPC responds to COVID-19 Vaccines Delivery Plan

The UK Government published its COVID-19 Vaccines Delivery Plan on Monday 11th January.

#myhcpcstandards: Service user engagement

In this webinar we will explore the requirement to meaningfully engage with service users in planning, delivering and evaluating the services they receive.

This webinar will be postponed as a mark of respect following the death of HM Queen Elizabeth II: the new date is forthcoming.
