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Panel Members

Panel Members consider information and evidence presented to them to reach well-reasoned and fair decisions on registrants’ fitness to practise cases

When social media use turns to cyber bullying

Case study: Farah is a clinical psychologist who has been complaining about colleagues to her close family and friends on social media

Character declaration investigations process

Information on how we consider character declarations and establish whether individuals can practise safely and effectively.

Panel Chair

Panel Chairs oversee a range of independent panels considering fitness to practise allegations

Are you eligible?

Before you apply through the UK route, please make sure that you are eligible

Health declaration investigations process

Information on how we consider health declarations and establish whether individuals can practise safely and effectively.

Who we are

The Council is supported by a network of specialist teams, advisory committees and partners

Using social media

Case study about using all forms of communication appropriately and responsibly, including social media and networking websites

Education annual data set: 2018-19 academic year

Snapshot of outcomes related to the HCPC’s education function for the 2018-19 academic year

Returning to Practice: My Journey - Susanna Shotter

Susanna is an occupational therapist and Aspire Creating Communities, a charity in Huddersfield that combats social isolation amongst over-55s. She returned to the Register in 2019.

Fitness to practise FAQs

Frequently asked questions about the HCPTS and fitness to practise hearings
