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Primary Care and Public Health 2018

The UK's leading event for GPs, federations, CCGs, nurses, midwifes, AHPs and managers working in health

How we’re supporting you with the updates to our standards of proficiency

Adam Haxell, Strategic Relationships Lead, sets out the activities in this key period of engagement, to raise awareness of our updated standards and help registrants overcome any barriers they may face in meeting them.

Education annual report 2021-23

This report provides information for our stakeholders about education and training for the 15 professions we regulate.

Focus on being a preceptor

Supporting information which expands on the delivery elements of Preceptorship Principle 4 - Preceptor role

Your COVID-19 stories

We’ve been speaking to Registrants throughout the pandemic and highlighting their COVID-19 experiences

Changing profile of education provision

The profile of education and training is changing, with a wider variety of pre-registration education and training programmes approved by HCPC. This includes a broader range of qualification levels, and a significant increase in the number of apprenticeship programmes in England.

Programme capacity

With various initiatives across the four UK nations, we have seen (and expect to see further) increases in the total number of learners within professions, nations, and regions. We have noted an impact on practice-based learning, education provider resources, and innovations in delivery models due to these initiatives.

Revisions to our standards of education and training

Guidance about our revised standard, which came into effect in September 2017. We are currently undertaking a rolling review of how programmes meet the revised standards.

Watch: Employer Insights webinar - Updated standards of proficiency

Watch a recording of this 45-minute webinar designed to specially for employers and managers of HCPC registrants, to support them with the updated standards of proficiency.

Consultation on changes to fees

This consultation on proposed changes to the fees we charge registrants and applicants ran from 22 September to 15 December 2022
