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Equality, diversity and inclusion initiatives

Equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) is an important area to the HCPC, to ensure learners are properly supported and prepared for practice. We have identified good practice and challenges with education provider approaches to embedding EDI into their programmes.

My COVID-19 story - Recently Qualified ODP

'As much as the situation is crazy and almost worthy of an apocalypse film, I feel lucky I can go to work every day and mix with friends and colleagues. It keeps some sense of normality day to day.'

An employer's perspective: Supporting a registrant through fitness to practise proceedings

Ruth Clement is Head of Kent Children’s Therapies at Kent Community Health NHS Foundation Trust. A concern was raised about a HCPC-registered therapist that Ruth line-managed. Here she gives her perspective on the events and shares tips for employers or managers in similar situations.

Partner Compliance training

We have developed an eLearning module which combines a refresher on EDI and includes aspects of unconscious bias and sexual harassment. In addition, all partners have to receive training on information security as they deal with information on behalf of the HCPC.

People and departments

Employees work across a variety of departments to support our operations

Promote your registration

Our guidelines for letting service users know you are a registered professional

Reflecting by yourself

Case study: Emily is a dietitian working in an NHS Trust hospital. She also volunteers at a local charity that raises awareness about diabetes at events and conferences

Supporting professionals return to practice

Guidance on how employers can encourage and support those wanting to return to practice
