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How to request approval for a programme

If you are planning to run a new programme for the first time, we need to approve it before it starts

Your progress through our approval progress will depend on whether your institution already runs HCPC-approved provision.

If your institution runs HCPC-approved provision, please complete and return the Approval request form - existing institution. You will have one or more key quality assurance contacts established with us. One of these people should manage the request to approve a new programme.

If your institution does not run HCPC-approved provision, please complete and return the Approval request form - new institution. Through the approval process, we will establish key contacts who will manage the request to approve your institution and programme(s).

Next steps

  • Once you submit a completed form, we will contact you within two weeks with next steps.
  • You will have a named contact at the HCPC through the approval process, who will be able to help you at each stage.
  • The process is designed to be carried out flexibly with provider needs. We aim to conclude assessments within 5 months for existing HCPC-approved education providers, and 7 months for new education providers to the HCPC. We will define specific interactions with you as the process progresses.


Page updated on: 20/02/2025