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Please consider the following before getting in touch with us relating to changes and developments

Providers do not need to continually report changes to the HCPC. Instead, providers should consider and note relevant developments, so they can be reflected upon through the periodic performance review process. We will continually consider data and intelligence to consider impact on provider performance. Providers need to supply a small number of data points on a regular basis, but most data points we source externally

We ask that you contact us centrally and in a joined-up way when reporting changes and developments to the HCPC. 

Administrative updates

Please contact your named Education executive should you wish to make updates or changes to the following:

  • Contact information, or the people we contact
  • Information on the list of approved programmes, such as programme names
  • Closing existing provision

If you do not know your named education executive, please visit our contact us page.

Developments to your institution and programmes

You do not need to inform us of granular changes to your institution or programmes. This is because we are confident that you are properly organised to deliver education and training, and we therefore do not need interaction at this level. We do not need to sign off granular changes from a compliance perspective.

Instead, we ask that you reflect on developments when we request engagement through our performance review process, which we run on a cyclical basis.

Sometimes, you may be planning to undertake more significant developments that you wish to inform the regulator about. In these cases, we suggest you contact your named Education executive for an informal discussion. We would want to discuss areas such as:

  • Significant negative findings from an external review, such as against the UK Quality Code for Higher Education
  • Significant financial or resourcing difficulties which might impact on learners progressing through approved programmes
  • Significant change to physical resourcing, such as a campus move or development of new clinical resources
  • Significant changes to your approach to education, such as provision-wide curricula review which results in substantial changes to content and your approach to delivery

We will not normally need to discuss developments such as:

  • outcomes from internal cyclical reviews;
  • changes to learner numbers, if those changes are managed within your resourcing model, or
  • personnel changes.
Page updated on: 06/09/2021