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Undertaking quality assurance activities

When we assess institutions or programmes through our processes, we develop themes and questions to explore with education providers.

We aim to work in the most proportionate way to explore these themes and questions. We do this by undertaking ‘quality activities’

  • Quality activities are not always limited to 'problems'. We may undertake quality activities to explore an innovative approach or example of good practice
  • We do not apply a blanket solution for the exploration of all areas, meaning we may undertake a range of quality activities through assessment
  • We aim to undertake the lowest burden activities required, which enable us to explore themes as we need to

The following is a list of quality activities, which we use as a guideline through developing bespoke assessment through processes.



Appropriate use

Email response to questions


 To clarify understanding of small queries

Phone call clarification


To clarify understanding of small queries
When questions best addressed to one person

Further documentary evidence


When information being documented is important for the issue being addressed

Virtual meeting


When multiple participants are needed to ensure issues can be explored fully

On site assessment of resources


Scrutiny of specific resources to answer a particular question

Face to face meeting


When assurances cannot be sought via a virtual meeting

Only a face to face meeting can give assurances needed


Page updated on: 10/09/2021