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What employers need to know about our consultation on the Standards of proficiency

We are changing the Standards of proficiency

We have launched a consultation on proposed changes to the Standards of proficiency for each of the 15 professions we regulate

What are the Standards of proficiency?

The Standards of proficiency are the professional standards that set out what we consider necessary for safe and effective practice. They describe what professionals must know, understand and be able to do at the time they apply to join the Register. They also outline what service users should expect from their health and care professional. Registrants must meet these standards in order to become registered, and to remain on the Register as far as they relate to their current scope of practice.

Why are we changing them?

It is important that the Standards remain up to date and reflect current practice. To ensure this we periodically review each of the Standards and make sure they remain fit for purpose, are well understood by our stakeholders including registrants and employers, and take account of changes in practice, legislation, technology, guidelines and wider society. 

Following engagement with stakeholders in 2019, we are now proposing changes to the Standards that relate to all professions on our Register.

What changes are being proposed?

The changes include a strengthening of the:

  • role of equality, diversity and inclusion and the importance of ensuring that practice is inclusive for all.
  • central role of the service-user
  • importance of informed-consent and effective communication in providing good quality care
  • importance of maintaining fitness to practise, considering the roles of mental health and seeking help where necessary.
  • need to be able to keep up to date with digital skills and new technologies
  • role of leadership at all levels of practice.

We have also offered some changes to the profession-specific standards, which are detailed on the consultation page <link to consultation page>.

How can you contribute to the consultation?

We value the input of all who respond to this consultation and we encourage you as an employer and manager of registrants to contribute.

We want to ensure the standards are at the right threshold level for safe and effective practice, and continue to protect the public as a result of any changes we make. Your role as an employer and manager for our registrants puts you in a unique position to inform the development of the Standards.

Encouraging your staff to take part

This consultation presents an excellent opportunity for you to run a workshop or learning sessions with your staff to explore and discuss their current Standard of proficiency and the changes proposed. This will allow them to reflect on their current practice and how this aligns with the Standards and also help to identify the impact of the changes we propose, and inform their and your response to the consultation.

Please encourage your staff to take part.

The consultation will close on 30 October 2020.

Find out more

To find out more about the standards and why they are important visit our standards of proficiency page.

For more information and to take part, visit the consultation page or email


Page updated on: 07/10/2022