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New threshold for paramedic registration

24 Oct 2018
  • Registration

New threshold applies from 1 September 2021 onwards

In 2018, we raised the level of qualification for paramedics’ registration. Previously paramedics needed to achieve ‘Equivalent to Certificate of Higher Education’ to become registered. Currently they need to achieve ’Bachelor degree with honours’.

The threshold change is an amendment to SET 1 (the first Standard of Education and Training), so it only affects education and training programmes, not individuals.

The rise in threshold level was made after our Council concluded that in order to deliver the standards of proficiency to the depth required in contemporary practice, a higher level of training needed to be requested.

After 1 September 2021, we will withdraw approval for existing education and training programmes that are below the new threshold. These will no longer be available to learners planning to become HCPC registered.



Frequently asked questions

  • Yes.

    The change to SET 1 does not affect your ability to apply for registration with HCPC, even if you decide not to apply for registration until after SET 1 has changed. This is because SET 1 is about the contemporary level of education and training required for entry to the Register. It applies to approved programmes for registration going forward and is not applied retrospectively.

    If you have been out of practice since you qualified, you may need to meet our returners to practice requirements before you register.

    Learn more about our readmission process

  • No.

    Any student who is currently enrolled on an approved programme - now or when the change is fully implemented on 1 September 2021 - will be eligible to apply for registration with us when they complete their programme.

    Enrolled students do not need to have complete their approved programme by 1 September 2021. They can graduate after this date and still be eligible to register

  • Maybe.

    We will be implementing the change to SET 1 as a phased approach. Students will still be able to start approved certificate, diploma and foundation degree level programmes up until 31 August 2021 and will graduate with eligibility to apply for registration when they finish their studies.

    From 1 September 2021, only education programmes delivered at degree level or above will be approved to take on new students. From this date, you will need to enrol on to a degree level programme if you want to train to be a paramedic.

    We anticipate that education providers will phase out their certificate, diploma and foundation degree level programmes between 2018 and 2021. Individual education providers will decide when to close approved certificate, diploma and foundation degree level programmes to new entrants. We expect the timelines to vary from provider to provider. We strongly recommend that you contact any providers you are considering applying to as soon as possible to find out their specific plans.

    If you are currently employed by an ambulance trust who sponsor / support a programme at a local education provider, then your trust may be able to advise you of their plans for supporting existing ambulance clinicians who wish to develop and become a paramedic in the future.

  • No.

    There is no requirement for education providers to close approved certificate, diploma and foundation degree level programmes immediately. Individual education providers will decide when to close approved certificate, diploma and foundation degree level programmes to new entrants. We anticipate that education providers will phase out this provision at different times between now and September 2021. If you are considering deferring your place, we strongly recommend that you contact the provider as soon as possible as there may not be any guarantee that the programme will run in the next academic year.

    The change to SET 1 is being implemented as a phased approach. Students will still be able to start approved certificate, diploma and foundation degree level programmes up until 31 August 2021 and will graduate with eligibility to apply for registration when they finish their studies.

  • Our Council decided that this decision should be implemented with immediate effect. This is because they felt it was not in keeping with the overall aims of the change and that we shouldn’t be encouraging more growth around lower levels of training whilst at the same time raising the level of training required.

Page updated on: 25/10/2018