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Beyond Barriers – helping our diverse workforce thrive

10 Oct 2022

Tehmina Ansari

Learning & Development Manager

We have successfully concluded our first inclusive mentoring programme Beyond Barriers, launched earlier this year.

We’re proud of our vibrant and diverse workforce and we strive to make the HCPC an inclusive and progressive workplace where individuals can thrive and maximise their potential.  

One of the challenges for us is diverse representation at all levels; under-represented/ethnic minority groups are less well represented higher up the organisation. Mentorship helps to challenge those beliefs, remove barriers, tackle inequalities and it also provides tangible pathways for upward mobility through providing greater opportunities for professional development and progression within.

By taking positive action, we can ensure that those colleagues have improved access to opportunities for professional development and progression within the HCPC, thereby increasing our chances of being a more representatively diverse organisation at all levels (EDI action plan strategic objective). 

The aim of the programme is to support individuals in building and progressing their careers with particular emphasis on equipping those colleagues from under-represented, ethnic minority backgrounds to progress their careers within the workplace. 

Mentoring supports our vision to be a high performing, caring and adaptable regulator and our strategic priority to be build a resilient, healthy, capable, and sustainable organisation. Beyond Barriers is one of the strategies we are using to develop talent internally, attract and retain talent and help the HCPC make progress against its equality objectives.

Performance and Delivery

Performance and delivery

Diversity of the mentoring pool

We successfully recruited a diverse mentor and mentee pool which is representative of the brand of Beyond Barriers, being an inclusive mentoring programme, that crucially supports individuals in underrepresented groups in their career development, progression, and workplace success.

  • Gender: 79% of the entire pool were female, 21% male
  • Sexual orientation: 71% are heterosexual, 7% gay man, 7% lesbian and 15% prefer not to say
  • Ethnic origin: 29% are white, 21% black/black British, 15% Asian/Asian British, 7% not known, 7% other white background, 7% other mixed background, 7% prefer not to say and 7% other ethnic group

What has the impact been on individuals?

Beyond Barriers made a positive impact on both the participants and the organisation. This is evidenced from participant surveys, manager observations and feedback, and a live employee presentation. We have achieved all the benefits we set out before the programme launched. Mentees report that the specific benefits of being mentored include:

  • encouraged and empowered in personal development
  • identifying and achieving career goals
  • identifying and correcting gaps in generic skills and knowledge
  • building relationships and access to a wider network of people and meeting people from different business areas
  • increasing confidence and self-awareness
  • developing resilience and taking on challenges with energy and optimism
  • developing and maintaining a broader perspective on career options and opportunities (enhanced skills and knowledge to develop their careers)
  • having access to a senior role model and understanding leadership and influence
  • gaining insight into HCPC culture
  • developing mentoring/coaching skills

Evidence also suggests that our mentees have a greater sense of engagement and motivation.

What next?

We have been really pleased to support our colleagues on this programme and look forward to supporting more colleagues on Beyond Barriers in the next year. 

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At the HCPC, we are more than a regulatory body — we are a supportive and inclusive community striving to make a meaningful difference in the lives of those we serve.

Page updated on: 13/10/2022