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The HCPC’s Corporate Plan 2022-2023: our blueprint to becoming a high-performing, compassionate regulator

16 Jun 2022

Christine Elliott

HCPC Chair of Council

The HCPC has published its Corporate Plan 2022-2023. It is our second annual plan, setting out what we intend to achieve in the next financial year.

This work will contribute to the ambitions described in our Corporate Strategy 2021-2026. The purpose of these is to ensure high quality care for patients while providing an improved experience for our registrants.

The HCPC’s Plan records our progress and shows how we will deliver our overall vision: a vision that has developed and strengthened through consultation with a wide and varied range of stakeholders.

Reflecting on the last year, we have met 85% of the targets we set out. I would like to take a moment to recognise these successes, given the challenging context in which we have all been operating over the last 12 months.

Key achievements from 2021-2022 included:

  • Completed analysis of data from our second annual diversity data survey and published our 2021 Diversity report, including profession-specific factsheets.
  • Developed our first Equality Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) action plan to support delivery of our ambitious EDI Strategy and established our employee EDI forum.
  • Delivered a successful pilot, and then full roll out, of a new education provider quality assurance model to support high quality training across our 15 professions.
  • Reviewed and updated our Standards of Proficiency for all 15 of our regulated professions, engaging closely with professional bodies and others to ensure our Standards remain up to date in securing high quality professional practice.
  • Provided guidance to registrants and employers on the key areas of reflective practice, supervision and the duty of candour.
  • Launched our first People Strategy, because we want everyone who works for the HCPC to feel that they belong and are valued, and that we strongly support their development.
  • Contributed to evidence and debate on the Future of Health and Care White Paper, and the Health and Care Bill and Professional Qualifications Bill, helping to safeguard the ability of regulators to maintain professional standards.

Council and Executive colleagues and I look forward to continuing to drive forward our six priority areas over the next financial year. Throughout this delivery, we will need to continue to be financially diligent and mindful of strong external economic pressures, to ensure our priorities reflect changing circumstances and patient need.

Sustainability in all senses is a key aim for the HCPC and financial sustainability is an integral part of that. Sustainable finances are essential in order to guarantee we can fulfil our statutory obligations to protect the public.

We will also continue to implement our FTP Improvement Programme and our EDI initiatives, to improve our registration process, and continue engagement on the regulatory reform agenda.

Discussions with our registrants and stakeholders to get their feedback on the delivery and implementation of the key areas identified within our plan are critical to its success, and I truly appreciate the thought and expertise that are contributed. This feedback influences and enhances what we do.

I am proud of what the HCPC has accomplished in the first year of our new Corporate Strategy whilst being conscious that we have more improvements to make. ‘Good enough’ is not an option, we must all strive to do the best, and be the best we can in the service of patient safety.

Thank you to everyone who has worked hard to deliver our Corporate Plan 2021-2022 and has put together the plan for 2022-2023, and thank you to our registrants who work hard every day to protect the public and deliver high quality care.

Christine Elliott

Chair of the HCPC

Page updated on: 16/06/2022