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The registration renewal process explained

24 Mar 2022
  • Registration

Mark Robinson

Registration Manager, HCPC Registration Department

HCPC Registration Manager highlights what registrants need to do to in order to renew their registration for the next two-year cycle.

Each profession renews their registration during the same period every two years. See our list of renewal deadline dates for more information. 


It is important to make sure that you renew your registration successfully, so you can continue to practise your profession for the next two-year cycle. 

To renew, you must complete a professional declaration and pay a renewal fee.

Payment alone is not sufficient to keep your name on the Register. If you do not renew your registration in time, you will be removed from the Register just after the renewal deadline. 

Professions in renewal

  • Clinical scientists -30 Sep 2023 deadline
  • Prosthetists/orthotists - 30 Sep 2023 deadline
  • Speech and language therapists - 30 Sep 2023 deadline
  • Occupational therapists - 31 Oct 2023 deadline
  • Biomedical scientists - 30 Nov 2023 deadline

Upcoming renewals:

  • Radiographers - 1 Dec 2023 until 28 Feb 2024
  • Physiotherapists - 1 Feb 2024 until 30 Apr 2024


Full list of renewal windows

Setting up for a renewal

Follow our checklist below to make sure everything is in place to make your renewal. 

  1. Make sure the email address on your account is one you personally control

    Your email address is how you log into your online account. If another individual or organisation controls it (for example, your workplace), you can find yourself without access to your account (for example, if your workplace changes its web domain). 

    Changing your email address when you are locked out of your account requires security checks. Visit our activation page and follow the instructions to update your email address before logging in.

    If you have access to your account, then it's simple to change your email address - just log in to your online account and head to the 'My Details' section.

  2. Make sure your online account is activated before you log in

    The new and improved registration system went live in October 2020. Before you can use the system, you will first need to activate your account. This is a one-off process and will only need to be carried out if you have not used the new system before. Steps on activating your account can be found in the renewal invitation email.

    When this has been done, you will be able to access the system via the 'My account' link on the HCPC website or in your renewal invitation email. The system is secure and uses a two-factor authentication process, linked to a phone number (mobile or landline), to log you in.

    How to activate your account

  3. Make sure your contact details are correct

    Without valid contact details, like your email address, phone number and postal address, we won't be able to alert you if there are any issues with your registration, or to let you know you've been selected for CPD audit. Your contact details can be updated without the need to contact our Registration team through your online account.

  4. Set re-occurring reminders in your calendar for when your profession renews and to monitor direct debit collections

    A simple reminder can make all the difference. Your profession renews at a set time  every two years, so be sure to create a reminder of when this happens. We have a handy list of renewal dates you can check to make sure.

    If you pay by direct debit, your first collection will be made shortly after you have completed your renewal. Your future collections will be scheduled to take place on a set date every 6 months. You can set a reminder to check that your direct debit has been collected successfully - we have a handy direct debit collection schedule to help with this.  

  5. Do not leave it till the last minute

    You have three months to renew your registration, and the majority of registrants renew in the first few weeks. Our advice is to renew as soon as the window opens. Renewing online only takes around 5-10 minutes to complete.

  6. Use your HCPC online account to do more

    You do not have to wait for the renewal window to update your personal details. You can log in at any time after you have activated your account. 

    The new system comes with a host of new and improved features, beyond just updating your personal details and renewing your registration. You can now request a change of name and/or gender, update your direct debit details or even request for voluntary deregistration.

    We also have a section for you to record your equality and diversity information (EDI), allowing us to have a clearer idea about the demographicsof our registrants. Read more about what EDI is and why we ask for it

    Log in and renew

Further information about the registration renewal process can be found in the Registration section of our website. This includes step-by-step guidance on how to activate an account and to renew.

Page updated on: 18/05/2022