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Top tips for completing your CPD profile if you’re selected for audit

28 Jun 2022

Mark Robinson

Registration Manager, HCPC Registration Department

A Continuing Professional Development (CPD) profile is a representative selection of the CPD you’ve undertaken in the past two years, which we will ask you to submit if you are audited.

It’s a chance for you to show us how much work you’ve put in to maintaining your CPD, and we’ve compiled the below list of top tips to help make the process as smooth as possible.

Just as a reminder, a CPD profile consists of:

  • Summary of recent work / practice (approximately 500 words)
  • List of activities (to aim for around between 12 and 50 activities)
  • Personal statement (approximately 1,500 words)
  • Supporting evidence for your activities

We’ve got loads of information on our website to help guide you through submitting your profile, from video walkthroughs to FAQs. Make sure you take a look at it when you start compiling your profile- it’s always good to refresh your memory!

Once you’ve done that, here are our top tips for completing your profile:

  • Variety is important! Make sure you show evidence of at least two different types of learning activity. For example, you could record having read professional journals, and write about attending a course.
  • The activities you record should be relevant to your registration and practice as a health and care professional.
  • When you write, talk about yourself and ‘I’, not ‘we’- this is about you and your own individual CPD.
  • Your personal statement doesn’t need to reference everything you’ve done- just choose four to six activities that are representative of the CPD you’ve undertaken to describe in more detail. You can look at an example of this in our sample profiles. You will also need to provide evidence for the four to six activities you describe
  • Don’t try to fill the gap left by COVID if you can’t- we have a list of tips on how to address the impact of the pandemic here
  • Keep it simple. Use simple language to describe the CPD you have done, what you have learnt from it, and how it has benefited you and your service user(s).
  • Make life simpler for yourself and your assessor- number your evidence for easy reference.
  • Check you’ve anonymised any identifiable information about a service user, such as names, addresses or any other personal information.
  • Double check your profile before submitting it to us, ensuring all relevant documentation is included.

This is all much easier to do if you have kept your ongoing CPD record up to date - you can find information on how to do this, and what counts as CPD, here. You may also be requested to give further information by your CPD assessor- if this happens, you can find step by step advice here.

Page updated on: 07/11/2023