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New HCPC Council Apprentices appointed, as scheme enters fourth year

04 Mar 2024

Christine Elliott

HCPC Chair of Council

I am delighted to announce the appointment of our two new HCPC Council Apprentices, Geraldine Kinkead-Richards and Jordan McKenna.

The apprenticeship scheme was set up to demystify what goes on inside a Council, create a genuinely inclusive body of governance, and provide an opportunity for people to be involved in something that might have felt unattainable. In turn, the apprentices bring their experience as registrants to the table, helping to broaden and deepen our perspectives as a Council and ensure we avoid groupthink.

This is the fourth year of our council apprenticeship scheme, and I am very pleased with its impact on both the governance of the HCPC, and in the lives and careers of our previous apprentices. Heeral Davda, who was a Council Apprentice last year, is now a member of the Professional Practice and Policy Committee for the Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists, and Nicola Hunt, an apprentice from 2021, became Chair of the London Ambulance Service Women’s Network.

I’m also pleased to see more and more organisations in the health and care sector adopting similar schemes. We hope to gradually build a community of apprentices and encourage them to connect with other apprentices and associates after their tenure. I hope that this year’s apprentices will also connect with their predecessors at the HCPC.

Geraldine is currently working as a specialist Occupational Therapist in Paediatrics across health and education for the NHS and as a self-employed associate. She has a keen interest in accessible and inclusive learning and workplace wellbeing, as well as understanding how digital innovation can improve education and training. Geraldine was recognised by St George’s University for outstanding practice education support.

Jordan is a registered Operating Department Practitioner with over 12 years of experience. He is currently seconded to NHS England as the Regional AHP International Recruitment Lead for the North East and Yorkshire Region. Jordan has an interest in international recruitment with a particular focus on pastoral and well-being support. He also has a passion for audit and data analysis and how these can benefit change and project management.

Gerladine and Jordan will take part in all our Council meetings and associated activity over the next year. They will also be involved in our Audit and Risk Assurance and People and Resources Committees, to maximise their transferable experience of governance. This is a wonderful opportunity for both of them to gain board-level experience, to be mentored by senior Council members, and to engage in discussions and decisions on important public interest matters.

I very much look forward to working with our two new apprentices, and hope that they find their apprenticeships insightful and enjoyable. I also hope that this programme encourages others to look out for and embrace similar opportunities.

You can read their full bios below:

Page updated on: 04/03/2024