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Consultation on revised guidance on confidentiality


Sunday 02 October, 2016 , Friday 13 January, 2017


This consultation has closed

This consultation is now closed.

We are seeking views on draft revised guidance on confidentiality. We produce this guidance to provide advice for registrants about some of the issues relating to how they handle and share information about service users. The guidance does not cover every situation where problems or challenges relating to confidentiality might come up, but does summarise some of the most important issues and provides key principles which registrants should think about and apply in their practice.

'Confidentiality - guidance for registrants' was first published in 2008. We have recently reviewed the document in order to make sure that it remains up to date and useful for our registrants and other stakeholders. We also want to make sure that the guidance takes account of recent changes to the HCPC standards of conduct, performance and ethics.

You can download a copy of the consultation document and the draft revised guidance below. You will need to refer to these when responding.

There are a number of ways to respond to the consultation:

Complete our online survey
Email your comments to:
Write to us at:

Consultation on revised guidance on confidentiality
Policy and Standards Department
Health and Care Professions Council
Park House
184 Kennington Park Road
SE11 4BU

The closing date for responses is Friday 13 January 2017. We look forward to receiving your feedback.

If you would like to receive a copy of the consultation in hard copy, in Welsh, or in an alternative format, please contact us by emailing or phoning +44 (0)20 7840 9815.
