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Consultation on the revised Indicative Sanctions Policy


Sunday 03 June, 2018 , Thursday 30 August, 2018


This consultation has closed

This consultation is now closed.

We are consulting on proposed changes to our Indicative Sanctions Policy.

The Indicative Sanctions Policy sets out what principles Practice Committee Panels should consider when deciding what, if any, sanction should be applied to fitness to practise cases. It aims to ensure that decisions are fair, consistent and transparent.

The Policy was first published in 2004, and has been kept up to date when required, mainly to reflect changes in relevant case law. We have now taken the opportunity to undertake a more comprehensive review of the existing Policy, to ensure the document is up to date, reflects public opinion and continues to ensure panels make fair and proportionate decisions.

Changes have been made in light of market research and internal engagement. This consultation now seeks the views of external stakeholders on these changes.

You can download a copy of the consultation document below. This sets out the consultation questions, as well as details of the background to the consultation. You will need to refer to this when responding.

There are a number of ways to respond to the consultation.

Complete our online survey

Write to us

Consultation on the revised Indicative Sanctions Policy
Policy and Standards Department
Health and Care Professions Council
Park House
184 Kennington Park Road
SE11 4BU

The closing date for responses is Friday 31 August 2018.

If you would like to receive a copy of the consultation in hard copy, in Welsh, or in an alternative format, please contact us by emailing or phoning +44(0)20 7840 9815.


