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Consultation on the draft Corporate Strategy

This consultation seeks the views of stakeholders on the Health and Care Professions Council’s (HCPC’s) draft Corporate Strategy.

Download the draft corporate strategy


Monday 28 September, 2020 , Monday 02 November, 2020


This consultation has now closed.


The HCPC’s strategic intent 2016-20 set out our aspiration to be ‘recognised nationally and internationally as a model of good practice in public protection through the regulation of health and care professionals’ through:

  • good governance;
  • efficient business processes;
  • effective communication;
  • evidence informed regulation;
  • influencing the policy agenda; and
  • engagement in the four countries.

Our draft Corporate Strategy for 2021-2026 seeks to do better. We seek to ensure we uphold the highest standards in the professions we regulate; protecting the public and inspiring their confidence. 

We strive to be more collaborative and empathetic in our approach, and develop our insight and intelligence functions to ensure the very best outcomes.


Draft Corporate Strategy


Our draft vision is:

To be the UK’s foremost healthcare multi-profession regulator


Our draft purpose is:

To uphold the highest standards in the professions we regulate so that we protect the public and inspire their confidence

Core activities

We are proposing three core activities to underpin our vision and purpose:

  • Maintain and publish an accurate register
  • Set appropriate standards
  • Quality assure education and training programmes
  • Respond proportionately to Fitness to Practice concerns, taking action to protect the public
  • We use our data to provide insights into risks and inform our regulatory approach, to support upstream regulation
  • We use what we know to promote positive and inclusive professional working environments
  • We use our knowledge to develop practical resources that embed standards and supports professional practice



We are proposing four values to form the foundation of our approach:

  • being honest, open and transparent
  • treating people with respect, empathy and care
  • collaborating with others and valuing diversity
  • being resourceful and creative, seeking opportunities to innovate and drive efficiency


Key strategies

To deliver the HCPC’s core work to protect the public and deliver effective regulation.

We are proposing six strategies:

  • To improve our performance against benchmarks of good regulation and innovate across all our regulatory functions to provde an enhanced user experience

  • Enable our professions to meet our standards and enable them to adapt to changed in health and care practice delivery, preventing harm to service users

  • The public, registrants, students and employers understand the value and importance of regulated health and care professionals

  • Learning from data and research to inform decision making and share insights to protect, promote and maintain the health, safety and well-being of the public

  • Employees feel valued and supported, and fully able to contribute. The organisation is resilient and able to quickly adapt to changes in the external environment

  • We regulate and take decisions which are informed by a deep understanding of the environment within which our registrants, employers and education providers operate


Consultation questions and next steps

We welcome your response to this consultation. We have listed some consultation questions below to help you. These questions are not exhaustive and we would also welcome your comments on any related issue.

Please provide reasons alongside your answers where possible


  1. Do you agree with our proposed vision? Please provide comments.
  2. Do you agree with our proposed purpose? Please provide comments.
  3. In our draft Strategy we have identified three core activities – regulation,
    learning and prevention. Do you think these are the right activities?
    Please provide comments.
  4. We have proposed a set of four key values? Do you think these are the right values for the HCPC? Please provide comments.
  5. We have suggested six strategies to underpin our core work – do you consider these are clear, understandable and appropriate? Please provide comments.
  6. Do you consider there are any aspects of our proposals that could result in equality and diversity implications for groups or individuals based on one or more of the following protected characteristics, as defined by the Equality Act 2010 and equivalent Northern Irish legislation1? If yes, please explain what could be done to change this.
    • Age
    • Gender reassignment
    • Disability
    • Pregnancy and maternity
    • Race
    • Religion or belief
    • Sex
    • Sexual orientation
  7. Do you have any other comments about the draft Corporate Strategy?


How to respond to the consultation

This consultation closed on the 2 November 2020.

Next steps

Once the consultation period has finished, we will analyse the responses we have received.

We will then publish a document detailing the comments received and explaining the decisions we have taken as a result, including any further amendments needed. This will be available on our website.
