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Consultation on HCPC registration fees

This consultation ran from 10 April to 14 June 2024


Wednesday 10 April, 2024 , Friday 14 June, 2024


Online survey

This consultation document seeks views on a proposal to increase the registration fees charged by the HCPC.

Parliament has given us a responsibility to ensure we have the finances to meet our statutory duties. This means that we need to set fees that cover our costs and enable us to remain financially sustainable. 

In our previous fees consultation and engagement in 2022 we said that smaller, incremental fee increases in subsequent years would be necessary.

We aim to review and increase our fees at least every two years.

We understand the continuing financial pressures that registrants face, which is why we are making efficiencies and have restricted the proposed increase to the minimum necessary. 

Most registrants would not pay the new fees until 2026 or 2027.

Frequently asked questions

  • As the outcome of this review we propose to increase the annual registration renewal fee our registrants pay by £6.98 per year, to be phased in over two years from 2025.

    The increase is equivalent to just over 13p per week and the new registration fee would be £123.34 a year. There would be equivalent increases in our other fees.

    We would maintain the 50% discount that graduate applicants receive for the first two professional years of registration.

  • The proposed increase will not be introduced until April 2025, subject to parliamentary approvals. 60% of HCPC registrants will not pay the new fee until 2026 or 2027

  • The two-year renewal cycle means that there is a time lag between a new fee being implemented and us securing its full financial value, which reinforces the need for the HCPC to consult now on this increase, as part of our commitment to regular, incremental fee reviews.

    The proposed increase will not be introduced until April 2025, with the majority of registrants not paying the renewal fee increase until 2026 or 2027.

  • We want to make sure that the data we get from our consultations are robust and have sufficient integrity. The most reliable means of doing this is requiring names and email addresses from each respondent, and limiting responses to one. This allows everyone to have a voice but prevents multiple responses skewing the results. Respondents' information is subject to our data protection policy and privacy notice. It is treated confidentially, is only used for its intended purpose, and is removed after it has been used.



How to respond to the consultation

This consultation closed on Friday 14 June 2024.

