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Our response to the latest PSA review

30 Aug 2024

Report shows regulator’s progress, as improvement work continues.

The most recent performance assessment report regarding the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) has been published by the Professional Standards Authority (PSA) today.  

The report confirms the HCPC has achieved 16/18 of the PSA’s Standards of Good Regulation, maintaining the improvement in its performance over recent years. 

Bernie O’Reilly, Chief Executive and Registrar commented: 

“We are encouraged to have met 16 of the PSA’s Standards of Good Regulation again. We are already nearly halfway through this performance year and determined as ever to continue to build on the improvements made over the last few years.”

“Protecting the public is always our core focus and we want to thank everyone who has supported our work.

“The report shows how our outcome-based approach to regulation is helping our 340,000 registrants to provide excellent care across the 15 professions we regulate.

“We know there is still work to do to improve in certain areas and we have already taken steps to address points made in the report. We are also seeking to work with partners in Government to remove any legislative barriers to improve the efficiency and timeliness of our fitness to practise investigations.” 


The assessment reflects the ongoing results of the HCPC’s performance improvement plan that commenced in 2021. 

This improvement is against a backdrop of an unprecedented increase in the number of fitness to practise concerns, increased numbers of interim order hearings and significant numbers of applications from international registrants. 

The HCPC is continuing to make improvements to ensure it maintains the 16 standards achieved and gains the two remaining standards.

Page updated on: 30/08/2024