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CPD audit do’s and don’ts

02 Oct 2019

Tips from our assessors to help you complete your CPD profile

Each time you renew your registration, you'll need to confirm that you continue to meet the HCPC’s standards, including our standards of continuing professional development (CPD).

During your renewal period, we randomly select 2.5% of your profession and ask them to submit their CPD profile. If you're selected for audit, you'll be notified by post and email at the beginning of your three-month renewal window.


Being selected for audit is nothing to be concerned about if you’ve been regularly completing and recording CPD. However, you may be asked to provide more information if your profile is unclear or incomplete.

Here are some tips from CPD assessors who were involved in our most recent audit cycle that can help you submit a complete CPD profile the first time.

  • Keep it simple. Use simple language to describe the CPD you have done, what you have learnt from it, and how it has benefited you and your service user(s). 
  • Choose four to six CPD activities over the last two years. Tell us what you did, what you learnt, and the benefits to you and your service user(s).
  • Ensure the activities you discuss are a mixture of learning types and were undertaken in the last two years.
  • Remember to include a dated list, in chronological order, of all the CPD activities you have completed in the last two years. This will demonstrate that you have met CPD standard 1. Please explain any gaps of three consecutive months or more.
  • Double check your profile before submitting it to us, ensuring all relevant documentation is included.
  • Try to describe in detail every activity you have undertaken over the last two years. Selecting a small number of different activities that you feel benefited you the most and writing about each one is a better approach (see previous examples). 
  • Send us evidence of all your CPD activities. We only need evidence to support the activities you have written about to demonstrate CPD standards 3 and 4.
  • Include identifiable information. This must be anonymised before including it with your CPD profile. This is any information you hold about a service user(s) that could identify them, such as names, addresses or any other personal information.  
  • Include CVs.
Page updated on: 26/09/2019