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Support for registrants making a health and character declaration

We will work to ensure that the process moves as quickly as possible and that you are kept informed at all times. At any point you can contact the Fitness to Practise team for more information.

Before making your declaration, we would also recommend speaking to your trade union or your professional body. They will be well placed to give you advice on best practice for your profession and to be able to reflect on previous experience in similar matters.

We also recommend speaking to your employer as they will be able to provide advice and also let you know which resources you can access for further support.

If you are struggling, don’t be afraid to tell somebody. We encourage you to talk to a friend, family member or trusted colleague. More advice and resources can be found on our Health and Wellbeing Hub.

Samaritans are a non-religious support service there to listen to you and help you talk through your concerns, worries and troubles, whatever they may be. Call Samaritans for free and in confidence, 24 hours a day, on freephone 116 123.

Page updated on: 30/07/2021