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Showing 151 to 165 of 954 results

Audit and Risk Assurance Committee

Responsible for advising the Council on the appointment of internal and external auditors, approving the audit plans for internal and external audit and receiving progress reports on audit work

Filling in the UK application form

Guidance for those completing an online UK application to join the Register

HCPC publishes retention rates of first time registrants

This report contains the HCPC’s first scientific assessment of the time new HCPC registrants stayed registered for

Standards of conduct, performance and ethics

The ethical framework within which our registrants must work

Education annual data set: 2018-19 academic year

Snapshot of outcomes related to the HCPC’s education function for the 2018-19 academic year

Dishonesty by falsifying time sheet and travel expense claims

Case study: The NHS Counter Fraud Unit of the local NHS Trust raised concerns about a physiotherapist. On numerous occasions, the registrant submitted timesheets and claimed payments for hours they did not work.

Changes to the level of qualification for entry to the Register for paramedics

Information about this change, including how it will affect existing paramedic programmes

Standards of proficiency

Supporting your employees in understanding and meeting the revised standards of proficiency

AHP Support and Supervision: The Scotland Story

Gail Nash, NHS Education for Scotland's AHP Practice Education Programme Lead, tells the story of how NHS Scotland developed models and strategies that enable AHPs to participate in meaningful supervision practice.

Executive Leadership Team (ELT)

The ELT has day-to-day responsibility for managing HCPC
