Showing 181 to 195 of 461 results
Our guidance on confidentiality
How to ensure you meet our standards when handling information about service users
What information is confidential?
Information about a service user can be ‘identifiable’ or ‘anonymised’, by identifiable information we mean any information you hold about a service user that could identify them, you must treat this information as confidential
Reporting concerns
Case study on reporting concerns about the safety or wellbeing of service users, carers or others
Diversity data
Key EDI information for each of the professions we regulate
Regulating further professions
How the government decides which professions should be regulated
Resources on record keeping
We have listed the main resources that we signpost registrants to, when they have a question about record keeping
Managing risk: infection prevention and control
The factors to consider in applying our standards during the COVID-19 pandemic
Duty of candour
Our changes set out a process for registrants to follow when things go wrong which better aligns with our guidance.
Balancing service user need during a pandemic
The factors to consider in applying our standards during the COVID-19 pandemic