Showing 241 to 255 of 613 results
Applying for readmission
How to apply for readmission to the Register, including application forms and information about the process and fees
#myhcpcstandards: Service user engagement
In this webinar we will explore the updated standards' focus on further centralising the service user, and how to integrate these changes into your practice.
#myhcpcstandards: Leadership
In this webinar we will explore the updated standards' focus on leadership, and how to integrate these changes into your practice.
#myhcpcstandards: Digital skills and new technologies
In this webinar we will explore the updated standards' requirement that registrants maintain their ability to use new technology relevant to their practice.
#myhcpcstandards: Equality, diversity and inclusion
In this webinar we will explore the updated standards' requirement that registrants provide appropriate and non-discriminatory care to all their service users.
Section 2 – Your qualification
In this section please provide us with details of your relevant training
#myhcpcstandards: Registrants’ mental health
In this webinar we will explore the updated standards' focus on looking after your mental health, and how to integrate these changes into your practice.
How to use the MRS
Step-by-step instructions for using the Multiple Registrant Search (MRS)
Short readmission
This short readmission process is for registrants who lapse and are rejoining the Register within one month
Survey of the Temporary Register(s)
We surveyed all temporary registrants on the Temporary Register(s) from 6 - 30 June 2020
Historical programmes
You can apply to join the Register if you have completed a programme that was historically approved by our predecessor, the Council for Professions Supplementary to Medicine (CPSM)
Update on our new fee proposals
Your concerns, arguments, and views about the impact of HCPC’s proposed fee rise have prompted us to re-think our approach.
Declaring convictions and cautions
Information on declaring any convictions or police cautions you've received
After you've applied
What happens after you submit your application and what you'll need to do when you're registered