Showing 601 to 615 of 809 results
Swiss Mutual Recognition (SMR) applications
Applicants who trained outside the UK and are eligible for SMR must apply through this route, rather than an 'international' application
Our requirements if you are returning to practice
Our return to practice requirements are flexible, minimum requirements. They aim to protect the public by making sure you have up-to-date knowledge and skills.
After you've applied
What happens after you submit your application and what you'll need to do when you're registered
Level of supervision
Case study: Ameena is a registered Band 7 Physiotherapist at an NHS Trust. Ameena has recently been asked by her employer to supervise Marianne, who has recently qualified as a Band 5 physiotherapist.
Submitting your application
When you’ve filled in all your information, the ‘submit’ button will appear
Character issues that need to be declared
Information for applicants and registrants on what needs to be detailed in a character declaration, and why.
Webinar: Revised standards of conduct, performance and ethics
An online session for current students, focusing on the forthcoming updates to the HCPC standards of conduct, performance and ethics.
Involving service users
How we involve service users in our assessment activities.
Assessing and quantifying risk
We use a risk model which allows us to be consistent in the application of our standards and processes.
Our data on equality, diversity and inclusion
By delving into the data we hold, we can develop a better understanding of how different groups are affected by our processes
COVID-19 - applying our standards
The factors to consider in applying the standards of conduct, performance and ethics during the COVID-19 pandemic.