Showing 871 to 885 of 1949 results
Understanding the Duty of Candour- new resources available for you
New materials outline what candour means and what it looks like in practice.
Managing existing health conditions and disabilities in the workplace
We think that it’s important to further clarify within the standards that registrants do not need to stop practising simply because they have a physical or mental health condition.
Fitness to practice and the updated standards of proficiency
What employers need to know about our updated requirements for registrants to manage their mental and physcial health.
Ensuring that your CPD benefits the service user
These benefits do not need to be radical and in many cases may simply be a result of improvements you have made to your practice
Return to practice: attracting an untapped resource
Paul Chapman on the benefits for employers in supporting professionals back to practice
Remote consultations webinar
Join us to explore the benefits and challenges of remote consultations and how to continue communicating effectively.
Higher and Degree Apprenticeships Review Report 2019-20
Snapshot of outcomes related to higher and gegree apprenticeships for the academic year 2019-20
SCPE: pre-consultation workshop (employers)
Online workshop for employers to discuss changes to the standards of conduct, performance and ethics
SCPE: pre-consultation workshop (education providers)
Online workshop for education providers to discuss changes to the Standards of conduct, performance and ethics
SCPE: pre-consultation workshop (professional bodies)
Online workshop for professional body representatives to discuss changes to the standards of conduct, performance and ethics
Focus on ensuring high quality
Supporting information which expands on the delivery elements of Preceptorship Principle 2 - Quality & oversight of preceptorship
Focus on tailoring outputs
Supporting information which expands on the delivery elements of Preceptorship Principle 5 - Delivering preceptorship programmes
Being open when things go wrong: 2022 student competition winners
Learning resources about being open when things go wrong. Created by the 2022 student competition winners.
Consultation workshop: Standards of conduct, performance and ethics - equality diversity and inclusion
This workshop gives you an opportunity to ask questions about the revisions we have made
Consultation workshop: Standards of conduct, performance and ethics - communication with colleagues, service users and carers
This workshop gives you an opportunity to ask questions about the revisions we have made