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Registrant snapshot - 3 November 2020

Registrants by profession and gender

Profession Female Male Unknown* Total
Arts therapists 4,090 667 2 4,759
Biomedical scientists 16,466 7,253 4 23,723
Chiropodists / podiatrists 9,433 3,078 13 12,524
Clinical scientists 3,976 2,547 0 6,523
Dietitians 9,432 657 39 10,128
Hearing aid dispensers 1,777 1,482 0 3,259
Operating department practitioners 9,310 5,452 62 14,824
Orthoptists 1,347 166 7 1,520
Occupational therapists 37,906 3,313 11 41,230
Paramedics 12,476 17,945 1 30,422
Physiotherapists 43,021 15,074 2 58,097
Prosthetists / orthotists 594 501 17 1,112
Practitioner psychologists 20,952 4,676 6 25,634
Radiographers 27,361 9,558 4 36,923
Speech and language therapists 16,684 555 0 17,239
Total 214,825 72,924 168 287,917

*Data missing from the records


Registrants by application route

Profession Grandparenting International UK Total
Arts therapists 25 142 4,592 4,759
Biomedical scientists 137 2,760 20,826 23,723
Chiropodists / podiatrists 1,881 191 10,452 12,524
Clinical scientists 402 417 5,704 6,523
Dietitians 0 1,239 8,889 10,128
Hearing aid dispensers 0 122 3,137 3,259
Operating department practitioners 21 88 14,715 14,824
Orthoptists 0 15 1,505 1,520
Occupational therapists 2 2,863 38,365 41,230
Paramedics 130 1,609 28,683 30,422
Physiotherapists 242 8,833 49,022 58,097
Prosthetists / orthotists 0 79 1,033 1,112
Practitioner psychologists 469 1,293 23,872 25,634
Radiographers 1 5,871 31,051 36,923
Speech and language therapists 82 1,057 16,100 17,239
Total 3,392 26,579 257,946 287,917

Annotation statuses

Profession LA POM IP SP PS
Chiropodists 10,246 6,164 445 512 74
Dietitians 0 0 0 133 0
Paramedics 0 0 733 725 0
Physiotherapists 0 0 1300 1408 0
Radiographers 0 0 132 153 0
Total 10,246 6,164 2,610




LA: Local Anaesthesia
POM: Prescription only medicine
IP: Independent Prescribing
SP: Supplementary Prescribing
PS: Podiatric Surgery


Home country (UK only)

Profession ENG SCO WAL NI CD Total
Arts therapists 3,893 355 161 91 10        4,510
Biomedical scientists 18,506 2,310 1,283 776 89      22,964
Chiropodists / podiatrists 9,463 1,421 602 547 23      12,056
Clinical scientists 5,186 581 334 142 0        6,243
Dietitians 7,345 1,064 534 447 19        9,409
Hearing aid dispensers 2,754 208 148 64 7        3,181
Operating department practitioners 13,332 517 756 27 35      14,667
Orthoptists 1,238 131 66 67 6        1,508
Occupational therapists 32,452 3,677 2,172 1,631 88      40,020
Paramedics 25,418 2,072 1,683 620 72      29,865
Physiotherapists 45,859 4,538 2,478 2,060 183      55,118
Prosthetists / orthotists 783 193 54 21 0        1,051
Practitioner psychologists 20,830 2,203 1,017 608 62      24,720
Radiographers 28,703 2,668 1,773 1,344 74      34,562
Speech and language therapists 13,846 1,294 751 790 44      16,725
Total 229,608 23,232 13,812 9,235 712    276,599

ENG - England
SCO - Scotland
WAL - Wales
NI - Northern Ireland
CD - Crown dependencies

Registrant data
Tudalen wedi'i diweddaru ymlaen: 10/11/2020