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Consultation on Standards for prescribing


Monday 01 October, 2018 , Friday 04 January, 2019


This consultation has closed

This consultation is now closed.

Our Council have made decisions for key changes to the Standards for prescribers that will take effect from September 2019. Read our consultation analysis below for more information. Education providers can find additional guidance on the Education hub.

We are consulting on proposed changes to the Standards for prescribing.

The Standards for prescribing have two purposes and so are set out in two parts:

  • The standards for education providers set out the processes and procedures that an education provider delivering training in prescribing must have in place in order to deliver the training safely and effectively.

  • The standards for all prescribers set out the knowledge, understanding and skills that a registrant must have when they complete their prescribing training and which they must continue to meet once in practice.

These standards therefore set out safe and effective prescribing practice. They are the threshold standards we consider necessary to protect members of the public. They are also the standards we use to assess and approve education and training programmes in prescribing.

The HCPC’s current Standards for prescribing were published in August 2013. Since this time, we have seen a number of important changes in nonmedical prescribing practice and regulation.

We have reviewed our Standards for prescribing and are proposing changes in order to bring them up to date and to ensure they remain effective. This consultation seeks the views of external stakeholders on these changes.

There are a number of ways to respond to the consultation:

Write to us at:

Consultation on Standards for Prescribing
Policy and Standards Department
Health and Care Professions Council
Park House
184 - 186 Kennington Park Road
SE11 4BU

The closing date for responses is Friday 4 January 2019.

If you would like to receive a copy of the consultation in hard copy, in Welsh, or in an alternative format, please contact us by emailing or phoning +44(0)20 7840 9815.

